ML Women

Morgan Lewis women are dynamic, determined, and successful. Women lawyers at our firm are leaders. Every day, they deliver outstanding results for our clients—garnering recognition from the legal and business communities.

Our women lawyers lead diverse cross-practice and cross-office teams and provide strong mentoring to women and men inside and outside our firm.

Clients are at the center of all we do. Our tradition of collaboration fosters strong relationships with our clients and colleagues. Women lawyers at Morgan Lewis are dedicated to partnering with our clients to support their successes in the legal and business worlds. We serve leading companies in key industries—energy, financial services, healthcare, life sciences, retail, and technology. Our women lawyers have deep substantive knowledge and strong business acumen. They are part of the reason Morgan Lewis regularly ranks as a top-tier firm in client service.

Cultivating a culture of support for women is a priority at Morgan Lewis and a pillar of our inclusion efforts. Led by our Chair, Jami Wintz McKeon, women serve in senior leadership roles across the firm, including on the Advisory Board and the Compensation Committee, as leaders of our practices and offices, and in prominent positions throughout all of our offices worldwide.

Our ML Women Initiative harnesses the strength of our women through partnership with our clients, creating opportunities for our women to come together around a shared industry or practice. Whether it is hosting a specialized roundtable featuring speakers from Morgan Lewis, our clients, and external experts, or leveraging our vast network of successful women alumnae to discuss topics specific to women, leadership, and the power of women consumers, we are proud to support women leaders in business and industry.

We are well versed in all critical aspects of diversity program development and implementation. We counsel clients in these important areas, and partner with them on the development of diversity and inclusion programs. We support client efforts in the area of returning women lawyers and in connection with programs designed to help recruit and enhance the careers of diverse lawyers. We meet with CEOs, general counsel, and boards of directors to develop effective communication and implementation strategies. This hands-on client experience also informs our efforts within the firm, and embeds inclusion principles into our approach to employees, clients, and communities.

What’s one piece of advice that’s helped you in your career? Select from our lawyers below to find out how they answered.

Michele Pector

If you are someone people count on, particularly in difficult moments, that’s a sign of a life lived honorably.

Michele Pector

Partner, Houston

Lesli Ligorner

Don’t underestimate the importance of knowing your community. Good lawyering is important, but understanding cultural and social nuances makes a huge difference in how effective you can be for clients.

Lesli Ligorner

Partner, China

Sarah Bouchard

The practice of law is a marathon; not a sprint. Enjoy the journey, and train every day for the unexpected.

Sarah Bouchard

Partner, Philadelphia

Kelly Moore

As basic as it sounds, be yourself. Don’t cave into the pressure to fit a certain mold. Let your passion for the work itself lead your way and not the expectations of others.

Kelly Moore

Partner, New York

Grace Speights

Lead by example and show people that you’re going to add value. Doing that puts you in a good position to be ready when those moments arise.

Grace Speights

Partner,Washington, DC

Connie Cheung

Begin with the end in mind.

Connie Cheung

Partner, Hong Kong

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