Outside Publication

INSIGHT: 100 Payroll Tax and Fringe Benefit Questions for the IRS on COVID-19 Measures, Bloomberg Law


Morgan Lewis partners Mary “Handy” Hevener, Jonathan Zimmerman, Steven Johnson, Michelle McCarthy, and Alexander Reid and associates Jacob Oksman and Anna Pomykala authored a Bloomberg Law article about the payroll tax and fringe benefit questions that tax payers and advisers have been debating in light of the US Internal Revenue Service’s measures to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In the article, they address 100 questions related to the CARES Act retention credit, 6.2% employer-share Social Security tax deferral, interaction between the 6.2% tax deferral and the FFCRA and CARES Act credits, Tax Code Section 139 disaster relief, leave-sharing and employee charitable donations, employee debt forgiveness, and more.

Read the full Bloomberg Law article >>