Dr. Jann Jetter focuses on tax-oriented group structurings of private equity funds and private equity transactions including carve-outs as well as post-deal reorganizations and integrations. He also advises on management participation programs for strategic corporations and on complex domestic and cross-border group reorganizations, including binding rulings, tax audits, and fiscal proceedings. Jann is a Certified Tax Adviser (Steuerberater).
Jann uses his background in economics and business to find creative solutions that meet each client’s needs with respect to complex tax matters. Prior to joining Morgan Lewis, Jann worked at international law firms where he advised on sales, acquisitions, and carve-outs, among other transactions. He lectures on business taxation at The University of Augsburg. Jann is fluent in German, English, and French.
Jann is regularly published and gives lectures on current tax topics and investment tax law. He is a commentator on the German Investment Tax Act (InvStG) in Beckmann/Scholz/Vollmer, Investment-Handbuch für das gesamte Investmentwesen as well as in Moritz/Jesch/Mann, Investmentsteuergesetz He also serves on the expert advisory board at the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany (Verband der Auslandsbanken in Deutschland e.V.).
Recognized, Tax, Best Lawyers, Handelsblatt (2025)