Press Release

Morgan Lewis Princeton Office Honored with 2024 Pillar of Justice Award

August 12, 2024

PRINCETON, NJ, August 12, 2024: The New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) has awarded its 2024 Pillar of Justice Pro Bono Award to the Princeton office of Morgan Lewis.

Nominated by Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), Pro Bono Partnership, and Volunteer Lawyers for Justice, the bar association conferred the award based on the breadth and scope of Morgan Lewis’s pro bono involvement, promotion of pro bono service by its lawyers, and inventive approaches taken by the firm, all toward forwarding access to justice in New Jersey.

Throughout the Princeton office’s 15-year partnership with KIND, local Morgan Lewis lawyers have provided pro bono legal representation to 20 unaccompanied children seeking refuge in the United States. Pro Bono Partnership credited the firm for helping it further its goal of providing free transactional legal services to nonprofits that serve economically disadvantaged and traditionally underrepresented populations and thanked the firm for assisting on more than 100 pro bono matters in the past two years alone. Volunteer Lawyers for Justice recognized Morgan Lewis for its assistance supporting expungement programs that promote greater employment, housing, and economic opportunity.

The firm will receive the Pillar of Justice Award during a reception at the Law Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey on October 29.