Press Release

Chambers FinTech Recognizes Morgan Lewis in 2024 Guide

December 05, 2023

NEW YORK, December 5, 2023: Morgan Lewis has again been recognized as a leader in the fintech space with recent rankings in the Chambers FinTech 2024 guide. The firm has been recognized in the guide since the guide was first published in 2019.

Morgan Lewis was ranked in the USA: FinTech Legal: Corporate, Securities & Financing and USA: FinTech Legal categories. Clients praised the firm’s fintech lawyers as “experts” who are “professional and always available.”

Chambers FinTech identifies and differentiates the leading payments, blockchain, cybersecurity, and data protection specialists globally, offering a resource for startup and scaleup fintech businesses, incumbent tech and financial services firms, and private equity/venture capital investors in the sector.