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In Focus: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - What Does the New Supply Chain Act Mean for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?, marketSTEEL

May 10, 2023

Partner Daja Apetz-Dreier spoke with marketSTEEL about Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and its potential effects on small and medium-sized enterprises. Daja said medium-sized enterprises should check whether they are contracting with companies that fall within the scope of the act and, if so, expect that larger companies will approach them to request contractual adjustments.

“Medium-sized companies should prepare for this by obtaining and documenting an overview of their own business structure, i.e. their own business area, but also of contractual partners and their business areas, in order to later answer inquiries about the implementation of risk management and risk analysis,” Daja said. “Such an entrepreneurial spring cleaning doesn't hurt anyway.”

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Article in German