PHILADELPHIA, October 29, 2021: Morgan Lewis has been named as the most active False Claims Act (FCA) defense law firm by Lex Machina in its first-ever False Claims Litigation Report.
The report analyzes the latest trends and insights from publicly released, unsealed cases in federal district court in which the federal or state government, or a relator on behalf of the government, alleged an FCA violation or an equivalent FCA state statute. Lex Machina’s analysis covers the five-year period between 2016 and 2020, during which Morgan Lewis handled 29 cases in 19 districts, making the firm one of eight FCA defense firms entrusted with 20 or more disputes during that time frame.
Members of Morgan Lewis’s premier FCA and qui tam defense practice have litigated such matters in numerous federal and state courts and defended against FCA investigations by both US attorney and state attorney general offices in more than 40 jurisdictions throughout the United States. The team’s lawyers—including a former US attorney, assistant US attorneys, federal and state prosecutors, and supervisors from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General—approach every matter with a sophisticated eye toward the multifaceted risks that may be implicated in order to thoughtfully, proactively, and efficiently guide our clients to optimal outcomes.
Co-authors of Civil False Claims and Qui Tam Actions, a comprehensive treatise that is frequently cited by federal and state courts as an authority on the FCA, the team represents clients doing business in an array of industries, from healthcare and life sciences to technology and defense. Read Law360’s coverage of the False Claims Litigation Report 2021.