On the November 5, 2024 ballot, San Francisco voters passed Proposition M by a wide margin of 69% to 31%. Effective January 1, 2025, Proposition M adopts significant changes to the San Francisco gross receipts taxes, including the Gross Receipts Tax, Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax, and registration fee, which are collectively referred to as the San Francisco Gross Receipts Tax. Overall, these changes will increase business taxes for larger businesses.
Proposition M includes the following changes:
Overall, these changes will decrease San Francisco business taxes on small businesses and increase taxes on larger taxpayers. In addition, the changes to the apportionment formula may increase taxes on taxpayers based outside of San Francisco relative to taxpayers headquartered in San Francisco.
While the business classifications have been condensed, taxpayers should carefully review their new business classifications. In addition, taxpayers should consider the impact of these changes on their San Francisco business taxes for 2025 and for the tax rate increases in 2027 and 2028.
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