
On the Road to Net Zero – Hydrogen and Other Paths

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mercredi 24 février 2021
09:00 - 10:00 Eastern Standard Time
08:00 - 09:00 Central Standard Time
06:00 - 07:00 Pacific Standard Time

Join us for our energy industry webinar series, Reaching Net Zero Together: Energy Transition Challenges and Opportunities. During our webinar series, we will address the host of issues facing companies around the globe as they adapt to changes compelled by climate change concerns, demand changes and the fast pace of technology innovation while they work to pivot their business models to achieve their net zero goals.

In our first webinar in the series, “On the Road to Net Zero – Hydrogen and Other Paths,” you will hear from energy lawyers from six of our global offices. They will provide a roundtable discussion of the current national approaches to reaching net zero taken by a number of countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and the United States, highlighting the national targets that have been put in place, the challenges that must be overcome to successfully reach net zero, the state of the legislative infrastructure governing the transportation and use of hydrogen, and the political and policy issues affecting development.

This will be a continuing webinar series throughout the year, so be sure to sign up to receive future invitations. Upcoming webinars in the series will include discussions of the role of natural gas (including liquefied and renewable natural gas) in the energy transition; energy sustainability for corporations; energy storage; advanced nuclear energy technologies; renewable energy, including offshore wind; and ESG investing.


Replay of the Webinar 
March 3, 2021
04:30 PM JST 
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Replay of the Webinar
March 3, 2021
09:00 AM PT
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