
It’s Work but Not as We Know It: Adapting the Workplace to the Post-Pandemic World

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mardi 29 septembre 2020

As pandemic-related workplace restrictions are slowly eased, employers must proactively plan for an array of challenges related to returning to the workplace. The year 2020 has brought a myriad of uncertainties, and we anticipate that you may have questions on how to handle these unprecedented times – today, tomorrow, and beyond.


  • Hybrid working models and better adoption of technology
  • Policies, training, and monitoring
  • Balancing business needs against employee concerns
  • Compliance with local directives and industry-specific requirements
  • Business continuity plans/risk assessments
  • Integrating staff, including return from furlough and continued remote working
  • UK Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the importance of good record-keeping
  • The role of trade unions and other employee bodies
  • The importance of culture to successful workplace operations