
Paid Sick Leave and Temporary Paid Family and Medical Leave Mandates Due to COVID-19

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mercredi 25 mars 2020
01:00 - 02:00 Eastern Daylight Time
12:00 - 01:00 Central Daylight Time
10:00 - 11:00 Pacific Daylight Time

New federal legislation requires certain employers to provide paid sick leave and temporary paid family and medical leave in response to the COVID-19 emergency. States and localities are also rushing to pass new legislation mandating leave in response to the emergency, including large states such as California and New York.

This webinar will cover:

  • Key aspects of the federal mandate
  • The new California and New York laws
  • An overview of other pending state and local laws
  • A preview of possible new actions in Congress to cover larger employers

Other events in this series:

March 23, 2020 - Workforce Change in a Time of Pandemic  RECORDING 

March 23, 2020 - Remote Working in a Time of Pandemic  RECORDING 

March 24, 2020 - Responding to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: Top-of-Mind Employee Benefits Questions for Employers  RECORDING 

March 26, 2020 - COVID-19 and Labor Law: What Employee Actions Are “Protected,” Union Bargaining Issues, the NLRB, and More

CLE credit: CLE credit in CA, FL, IL, NJ (via reciprocity), NY, PA, TX, and VA is currently pending approval.