Morgan Lewis Seminars

Women in M&A: Holiday Reception

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Morgan Lewis is hosting a networking reception on behalf of March Women, for women in the M&A industry. This event will provide an opportunity for women in M&A to connect, provide support to each other, and share ideas and opportunities for 2023.


March's purpose is to transform the dealmaking landscape for women in M&A. We invite women at all levels and in all M&A sectors to join us in wonderful, relaxed social settings.  Here, women make space for each other and easy conversations flow without the formality of more typical networking events. We encourage collaborations that allow us to progress our careers together.

We provide opportunities to learn and grow professionally and personally, encouraging members to share insights, experiences and training opportunities with one another. Speakers bring inspiration and discovery to the table.

Knowledge and skill will only take us so far. Connections and the power of an accomplished and supportive network will take us much further.