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Tuesday, June 8, 2021
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Please join us for the eighth track of our 2021 Advanced Topics in Hedge Fund Practices Conference: Manager and Investor Perspectives which includes the following panels:

  • Keynote Session #3: On the Front Lines of ESG – Environmental with Nanette Medved-Po, Founder, Plastic Credit Exchange, and Mark Vanderhelm, Vice President, Energy and Facilities Management, Walmart
  • Privilege and the Ethics of Working in a Virtual Environment (Ethics CLE)

Now in its 14th year, the series will cover current topics that are important to managers of hedge funds and investors in hedge funds. This year’s program is organized through thematic tracks, enabling participants to experience a variety of related topics in one consolidated block of time. Each session, structured in an efficient and convenient format, is self-contained, and participants can pick topics of particular interest or relevance or attend the whole series.

For more information, please contact Bernice Kyereme.

CLE credit: CLE credit (including one hour of Ethics credit) in CA, IL, NY, OR, PA, TX, and VA is currently pending approval. Credit in CT, FL, and NJ is pending approval (via reciprocity).