CLE Courses

Working with Survivors of Torture and Trauma: A Client-Centered Approach

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Many pro bono attorneys represent clients who have suffered some type of severe and/or repeated trauma—intimate partner violence, sexual assault, torture, and/or trafficking. It is critical to understand how to provide trauma-informed lawyering to these clients to ensure that you can build the most trusting and effective attorney-client relationship possible.

With this in mind, Sanctuary for Families, New York’s largest service provider for survivors of gender-based violence, will lead a training on best practices for representing and interviewing survivors of trauma.

For more information on this event, please contact Sharon James at +1.212.309.7181.

CLE credit: CLE credits are currently pending in CA, NY, PA, TX, VA via reciprocity in CT, FL and NJ.