
Federal Bar Association’s 2018 Qui Tam Conference

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Federal Bar Association’s Qui Tam Conference provides fresh analysis on the rapidly changing landscape of False Claims Act (“FCA”) enforcement. This two-day conference will feature experienced FCA litigators from a variety of perspectives who will dive into advanced topics and discuss the latest developments, practices, and pitfalls pertaining to the FCA.

Healthcare partner Katie McDermott will participate in the panel “Strategic Use of Pre-Trial Motions in False Claims Act actions” on February 28 at 12:45 PM. Katie is a former DOJ healthcare fraud coordinator with over 25 years of False Claims Act experience in government and the private sector. She currently serves as a deputy chair of the FBA Health Law Section.

Litigation partners Eric Sitarchuk and Wendy West Feinstein will participate on the panel for “The Big Show: Trying a Qui Tam,” at 2:30 p.m. with Wendy serving as moderator.