Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

A recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) established that companies seeking to store “cookies” that are used to track online browsing behavior must obtain “active consent.” The ruling is likely to cause angst among companies, which often maintain websites that are not set up to obtain active consent, as well as with internet users who are increasingly frustrated by having to continually provide consent while visiting websites.
Morgan Lewis partners Ksenia Andreeva, Anastasia Dergacheva, Vasilisa Strizh, and Brian Zimbler and associate Anastasia Kiseleva contributed the chapter on Russia for the recently released Data Protection & Privacy 2020, the eighth edition of the Lexology Getting the Deal Through publication.
The California legislature passed five bills on September 13 to amend and clarify the scope of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). If the amendments are signed by the California governor by the October 13 deadline, they will become part of the CCPA, set to take effect on January 1, 2020.
The EU Council Presidency on September 18 put forward to member states an 88-page compromise proposal on the Eprivacy Regulation with considerable changes and amendments. There are several proposed changes to the provisions on email marketing and cookie use that we think readers may find relevant.
A recent LawFlash by Morgan Lewis partners Ksenia Andreeva and Vasilisa Strizh and associate Anna Pirogova discusses a draft law proposed in Russia that would introduce heavy fines for violations of Russia’s data protection law and a variety of internet activity laws.
The January 1, 2020, deadline to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is fast approaching. Signed into law in the summer of 2018, the CCPA creates a variety of new consumer privacy rights and will require many companies to implement policies and procedures to manage and comply with new consumer-facing responsibilities. Catch up on the details of the CCPA in our previous post, this LawFlash, and the Morgan Lewis CCPA resource center.
In a recent Law360 article, Morgan Lewis lawyers Gregory Parks, Kristin Hadgis, and Terese Schireson discussed the recently passed bill in Nevada – Nevada Senate Bill 220 (SB 220) – that will require defined “operators” of websites or online services that are used for commercial purposes and collect personal data of Nevada consumers to comply with a consumer’s request not to sell personal information. SB 220 will be the first law of this scope in the United States that provides consumers with opt-out rights with respect to the sale of their data.
The Q2 2019 issue of Morgan Lewis’s Life Sciences International Review was recently released. The review includes updates relevant to the life sciences industry from across the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia. The topics range from intellectual property and data privacy to international trade and labor and employment.
Check out this recent LawFlash by Morgan Lewis partners Michael Pierides and Simon Lightman discussing the groundbreaking fines the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) proposed against two global organizations pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seeking comments on the effectiveness of the amendments it made to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA Rule) in 2013, to determine whether additional changes are needed due to changes in technology since the last update.