Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

As technology and the use of the internet continue to evolve, lawmakers remain focused on setting a legal framework for businesses operating “online” in Russia. In 2021, the Russian regulatory landscape underwent significant changes, which will no doubt have an impact on how tech and media companies conduct their business in Russia.
We have heard time and time again that we should not reuse passwords across accounts—if a cybercriminal were to obtain access to the password of one account, they could then use such password to access multiple accounts. This use of stolen passwords and other credentials has led to a rise in credential stuffing attacks. A new guide released this month by New York Attorney General Letitia James investigates the rise in credential stuffing attacks and best practices designed to prevent such attacks.
The Law Commission of England and Wales has published a detailed analysis of the application of existing law to smart legal contracts and concluded that the current legal framework is able to facilitate and support the use of smart legal contracts. The Law Commission determined that the jurisdiction of England and Wales "provides an ideal platform for business and innovation, without the need for statutory law reform."
Investment in UK technology companies continues apace, with 2021 marking another record year. The UK government announced in December 2021 that the UK tech sector achieved its “best year ever” in 2021 through investments totaling £29.4 billion, with record IPO capital raising and 37% of all funding coming from the United States. The United Kingdom is creating on average almost one $1 billion “unicorn” technology business a week, primarily fintechs followed by healthtech and enterprise software businesses.

The UK government is considering responses to its proposed reforms to auto-subscription rules for consumer contracts, as part of a broader consultation on reforming UK competition and consumer policy.

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) in the United Kingdom just closed a consultation on policy options for changes to patent and copyright legislation to better protect technology created by artificial intelligence (AI).

As we start 2022, as part of our Spotlight series, we connect with Reece Hirsch, the co-head of Morgan Lewis’s privacy and cybersecurity practice, to discuss the recent policy statement issued by the US Federal Trade Commission regarding the Health Breach Notification Rule and how it applies to health app developers that handle consumers’ sensitive health information. Our Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis blog also published a summary of the policy statement.

Many organizations have longstanding sustainability initiatives for reducing waste through efforts such as recycling or reductions in printing. However, organizations are now also looking to their use of technology to help improve the sustainability of their operations.
From all of us on the technology, outsourcing, and commercial transactions team at Morgan Lewis, we’d like to wish you and your loved ones happy holidays and a wonderful new year.
Contract Corner
As 2021 comes to a close, we have once again compiled all the links to our Contract Corner blog posts, a regular feature of Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis. In these posts, members of our global technology, outsourcing, and commercial transactions practice highlight particular contract provisions, review the issues, and propose negotiating and drafting tips.