Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

Contract Corner
In any service relationship, continuity of service provider personnel often impacts service quality. Excessive personnel turnover on an account can negatively impact day-to-day operations and the ability to respond to issues. Assignment and management of personnel are primarily business issues that are the responsibility of the service provider. However, there are important provisions that can be included in service agreements that can help address these issues.
US President Joseph Biden issued an Executive Order On Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities on October 7, which establishes safeguards relating to the handling of personal information in the course of signals intelligence activities. In this edition of our Spotlight Series, we welcome Morgan Lewis special legal consultant Dr. Axel Spies, based in Washington, DC, to discuss the scope of this Executive Order and its implications.
In this post, we discuss the various aspects of domain name registration in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Effective management of intellectual property is crucial in the contracting stages of technology projects. Various types of intellectual property can be subject to protection in an agreement and may receive different types of treatment. For example, copyright protection, patent protection, and know-how (trade secrets) are all subject to different rules when it comes to contracting.
The UAE enacted a new Federal Law No. 38 of 2021 concerning copyright and neighboring rights (New Law) that replaced the old Federal Law No. 7 of 2002 (Old Law) and came into force in January 2022. The New Law provides a clearer framework in an increasing digital environment for businesses.
In March 2022, President Joseph Biden signed into law the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022, which tasked the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) with developing and implementing regulations around cyber incident and ransom payment reporting. Under the act, the CISA is to gather the information it receives from covered entities and analyze it to the extent that such information can be used to help identify ways to avoid similar incidents in the future, or minimize the harmful potential impacts.
IT service provider performance has long been measured by service level agreements (SLAs) that set quantifiable standards for many aspects of a sourcing arrangement. These standards range from how quickly customer support is provided and an incident is resolved to application uptime and availability, and beyond.
On September 22, the Office of Communications (Ofcom)—the United Kingdom’s communications regulator—announced and released a program of work stating its intention to examine the position of the largest providers of cloud services (known as “hyperscalers”) in the United Kingdom’s £15 billion ($16.7 billion) cloud services market.
Contract Corner
A sole and exclusive remedy clause allows parties to a contract to choose specific remedies and relief available under the terms of the agreement. Essentially, exclusive remedy provisions restrict a party's available remedies for specified claims to the remedies set out in the contract and exclude the party from seeking other types of remedies for that action. In commercial contracts, often you will see sole and exclusive remedy clauses in relation to breach of warranty, indemnification, and failure to perform.
On September 15, the EU Commission published a proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act (Proposed CRA), which builds on the 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the 2020 EU Security Union Strategy, with the aim of ensuring the cybersecurity of products with digital elements and the provision of sufficient information to consumers about the cybersecurity of the products they buy and use.