Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

Contract Corner
Cybersecurity has earned its place at the top of organizations’ risk concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote working, an array of communication solutions and hardware being used by organizations, and the accelerated leveraging of cloud-based outsourcing solutions have increased the chain of potential vulnerabilities to cyberattacks.
Contract Corner
The inclusion of acceptance requirements, including acceptance criteria for key activities and deliverables, within a service agreement can provide a blueprint for a service engagement’s success, and should not be overlooked during the contract drafting process. In this post, we’ll discuss at a high level some of the items a contract drafter should consider when drafting acceptance requirements.
Contract Corner
If you have been involved with SaaS agreements or agreements that are for, or are enabled by, cloud services, you have seen or even drafted provisions relating to the right to use data processed on or generated through the use of the cloud platform.
The UK government published a Green Paper on December 15 that includes proposals to shape the future of public procurement in the United Kingdom by speeding up and simplifying public sector procurement processes.
The European Commission (Commission) published draft Article 28 standard contractual clauses (Article 28 Clauses) last month for use between controllers and processors when processing personal data in the European Union. Somewhat confusingly, these clauses share the same name as the new Standard Contractual Clauses for personal data transfers out of the EEA, which were also published in November 2020; however, the two are distinct.
This month the European Commission (Commission) is expected to publish the Digital Services Act (DSA), a package of EU legislation intended to modernize the legal framework for digital services in the European Union. The Commission announced the DSA in January 2020 as part of its Shaping Europe’s Digital Future initiative.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed New York State Senate Bill S01475, which reforms New York State law surrounding automatic renewals for consumer contracts, on November 11.
The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) held its third “Conversation on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence” on November 4, 2020, to discuss its revised issues paper on Intellectual Property Policy and Artificial Intelligence.
The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA), which expands consumer privacy rights, passed as California Proposition 24 on November 3, 2020.
Contract Corner
You signed a deal with the US subsidiary of an India-based service provider, and the Indian parent issued a guaranty. Several years later, you are now amending the original master services agreement (MSA) to add to the scope or extend the term, and you are faced with the question of whether you need the guarantor to reconfirm that the guaranty continues in effect to the MSA, as amended— the best course of action is that you do.