Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

As part of our Spotlight series, Dennis C. Gucciardo, who counsels medical device manufacturers throughout the product lifecycle in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory context, shares insight into some important considerations when creating, reviewing, and implementing medical device product warranties.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports (DCMS) confirmed on August 30, 2022, that it will push forward with tough new regulations and a code of practice to bolster the security and resilience of the United Kingdom’s electronic communications networks and services against current and future cyberthreats.
On July 18, 2022, the UK government published high-level proposals for its approach to regulating uses of artificial intelligence (AI), as part of its National AI Strategy and, more broadly, its UK Digital Strategy. The government is seeking public views on the approach, which is contained in a policy paper; a more detailed White Paper will be published in late 2022.
In June 2022, the UK government published its cross-government UK Digital Strategy for creating a world-leading environment in which to grow digital businesses. The Digital Strategy brings together various initiatives on digitalization and data-driven technologies, including the National AI Strategy. The government states that it is actively seeking to grow expertise in deep technologies of the future, such as artificial intelligence, next generation semiconductors, digital twins, autonomous systems, and quantum computing.
As we all try to keep up with the Metaverse and as the healthcare system wilts under a data deluge, the convergence of realities in a shared online space is not merely a chance for practitioners and patients to find each other and interact in new ways, it’s also a rare opportunity to help a new paradigm sprout. The answers to detangling some sticky wickets of Health 2.0, like ensuring efficient, secure communications and exchanges between participants, may share a common thread: clear out (not just debug) the cobwebs and flip the crypt.
On May 6, 2022, the UK government outlined its plans to boost competition and drive economic growth and innovation in a major regulatory reform aimed at big tech. The news comes in the wake of fears that a handful of tech giants disproportionately dominate the market, subjecting smaller businesses to predatory prices and ultimately harming consumers through higher prices as well as limited options and control over their online experiences.

As we start 2022, as part of our Spotlight series, we connect with Reece Hirsch, the co-head of Morgan Lewis’s privacy and cybersecurity practice, to discuss the recent policy statement issued by the US Federal Trade Commission regarding the Health Breach Notification Rule and how it applies to health app developers that handle consumers’ sensitive health information. Our Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis blog also published a summary of the policy statement.

Contract Corner
As 2021 comes to a close, we have once again compiled all the links to our Contract Corner blog posts, a regular feature of Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis. In these posts, members of our global technology, outsourcing, and commercial transactions practice highlight particular contract provisions, review the issues, and propose negotiating and drafting tips.
Contract Corner
Over the last year, companies implemented new digital technology solutions at record levels, looking to implement emerging technologies, improve the user digital experience, leverage cloud solutions to store the massive amounts of data being generated, and test the waters on how to transact using digital assets. And we don’t see things slowing down.
According to recent guidance from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), providers of health apps and connected devices that collect consumers’ health information must comply with the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule, 16 CFR Part 318, and therefore are required to notify consumers and others when their health data is breached.