
Fast Break: HIPAA and State Privacy Laws

03:00 下午 - 03:45 下午 Eastern Daylight Time

For most healthcare providers, HIPAA is a primary operational and compliance consideration. With many states passing consumer data privacy laws, how does HIPAA interplay with the new requirements, and how can healthcare providers ensure compliance with federal and state privacy laws?

Join us for the July edition of Fast Break, where partner Amy Magnano will answer these questions through the lens of Washington state’s new My Health My Data (MHMD) legislation. Passed this April, the law is intended to protect the privacy of consumer data not covered by HIPAA.

As aspects come into effect, its strict protections on the use of personal information will have tremendous impacts on every level of the healthcare industry and related businesses, potentially influencing other states to consider consumer data privacy laws.


  • The purpose, background, and scope of MHMD
  • MHMD’s interplay with HIPAA
  • Similar state laws being discussed and how they may affect healthcare providers and digital health companies
  • Operational tips for balancing HIPAA compliance and state law requirements

Don't forget you can view any of our previous webinars on our Fast Break series page >>

To request a recording of this presentation or the associated slide deck, please contact Jake Harper.