
Fast Break: Telehealth Fraud

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03:00 下午 - 03:45 下午 Eastern Standard Time
02:00 下午 - 02:45 下午 Central Standard Time
12:00 下午 - 12:45 下午 Pacific Standard Time

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted at least 86 individuals last month who were allegedly involved in various telemedicine fraud schemes worth over $4.5 billion. Medical professionals, telehealth company executives, and DME company and lab operators were implicated in the national takedown effort. Was this event simply the culmination of various DOJ investigations or is there a growing focus on telehealth by governmental authorities?

Join us for our next Fast Break as we explore the latest DOJ actions related to telehealth and how they can impact various types of healthcare providers.

Topics will include:

  • History of telehealth enforcement
  • The September 30 DOJ takedown
  • Looking forward to future telehealth enforcement and compliance
  • Diligencing relationships and business opportunities