
Fast Break: Security Breach Crisis Response

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03:00 下午 - 03:45 下午 Eastern Daylight Time
02:00 下午 - 02:45 下午 Central Daylight Time
12:00 下午 - 12:45 下午 Pacific Daylight Time

Best Practices for Defending Against New Cyber Threats

Our next Fast Break webinar will explore how an organization should prepare for, and respond to, a major security breach. No healthcare organization is immune from security breaches, but all organizations can implement policies, procedures, and practices to defend against both new and old threats to protected health information.

Topics will include:

  • Implementing an effective security breach response plan
  • Lessons to be learned from recent Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforcement actions
  • Responding to the threat of ransomware such as WannaCry
  • What the HIPAA Phase 2 audits can tell us so far about OCR’s breach response expectations