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Does a Raise or Remote Work Sound Better?


Firm Chair Jami McKeon discussed the concept of remote working with The Wall Street Journal in an article regarding employees’ preference to have the option of working outside the office instead of working part-time. “A decade ago, the first and often only ask from working parents craving more flexibility was the ability to work part-time,” said Jami in the piece. “Now the conversation increasingly starts with remote work. It eases the same pain points: the ability to grab your kid from the school bus and enjoy a snack together, time to run to the dry cleaner before it closes.” Morgan Lewis launched a twice-weekly telecommuting program for associates a few years ago. With members of the firm mostly working remotely full-time since the coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic in March, Jami posited that perhaps a formal program may no longer be needed given our proven ability to work effectively outside the office.

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