Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

Welcome to the second post in our Spotlight series, where we talk with a leader in a particular field or emerging area of interest to technology and sourcing lawyers and professionals.
The European Commission (Commission) published the first draft of the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) on December 15 2020. Morgan Lewis previously reported on the anticipated DSA.
Traders selling goods, services, and/or digital content online to consumers in the United Kingdom and the European Union need to comply with laws requiring the provision of certain information as part of the sales process.
This month the European Commission (Commission) is expected to publish the Digital Services Act (DSA), a package of EU legislation intended to modernize the legal framework for digital services in the European Union. The Commission announced the DSA in January 2020 as part of its Shaping Europe’s Digital Future initiative.
The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA), which expands consumer privacy rights, passed as California Proposition 24 on November 3, 2020.
With the world in various states of lockdown, your organization’s online presence is more important than ever…even more so with official enforcement of CCPA beginning last month. It may be a good time to spend an afternoon reviewing and updating the legal boilerplate on your organization’s website. Here is what we recommend for a basic three-part review to get you started:
In this month’s Contract Corner, we are highlighting considerations for drafting an up-to-date privacy policy.