Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

Companies developing digital therapeutics, clinical decision support apps, and other digital health technologies for use in the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic should be mindful of FDA’s quickly evolving policies and guidance affecting such technologies. In our recent LawFlash, FDA Regulation of COVID-19 Apps, Digital Therapeutics, and other Digital Health Technologies, we examine recent FDA developments and their implications for companies in the digital health space.
Adding corporate flexibility to IT-related commercial contracts can make seemingly unrelated mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions a bit less complex.
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) recently endorsed principles for building trust in the Internet of Things (IoT), highlighting the need for a risk-based approach that (1) accounts for the various components, capabilities, users, environments, life cycles, and complexities of the IoT ecosystem, and (2) engages the corresponding stakeholders. Given the near boundless opportunities—and risks—deriving from its connectivity, a connected device should not be designed and managed in isolation.
Please join us on July 16 for a webinar discussing investments in the information technology (IT) and ecommerce space in Russia. We will provide an overview of key transactional, regulatory, and tax considerations affecting foreign investments in the technology space in Russia.
Following the US Department of Justice’s recent recommendations to reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) to provide incentives for online platforms to address illicit material on their platforms, two US senators have proposed the Platform Accountability and Consumer Transparency Act (PACT), legislation aimed at reforming Section 230 of the CDA.
In an ideal outsourcing relationship, technology transformation through innovation, continuous improvement, and future project work is never really “over.”
Earlier this month, we discussed the significance of the transformation workstream in outsourcing transactions and outlined important topics and points to consider when documenting the overall transformation methodology exhibit.
The July 1 enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is one week away. Despite calls by the business community and trade associations to push back the enforcement date to January 2021 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and related disruptions to compliance efforts, the California state attorney general issued a press release on June 2 stating, “Businesses have had since January 1 to comply with the law, and we are committed to enforcing it starting July 1.”
Transition services agreements (TSAs) are often an integral part of a transaction when a buyer or a seller needs to use the other’s services, infrastructure, or resources for an agreed-upon period of time after an acquisition.
In April, we shared a LawFlash Outsourcing and Managed Services Agreements During COVID-19: Our Perspective. With the continued and unprecedented impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on business operations, we thought it would be timely to provide a brief update on five top-of-mind issues that we are addressing with outsourcing and managed services clients.