
Latest Developments in Automotive Finance and Consumer Protection

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12:30 午後 - 01:30 午後 Eastern Daylight Time
11:30 午前 - 12:30 午後 Central Daylight Time
09:30 午前 - 10:30 午前 Pacific Daylight Time

Please join us for the next installment of the Morgan Lewis Automotive Hour Webinar series, focused on Latest Developments in Automotive Finance and Consumer Protection.

In this Automotive Hour, the panel will discuss recent federal and state consumer protection developments in the automotive finance sector, including recent and potential future supervisory and enforcement initiatives and priorities. They will also offer considerations and best practices for compliance management during this era of increased regulatory scrutiny.


  • The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and US Federal Trade Commission’s regulatory, supervision, and enforcement priorities for auto finance
  • State legislative developments, including California guaranteed asset protection waiver laws
  • Consumer auto loan and lease litigation trends
  • Increasing Holder Rule risks to loan and regulated investment company purchasers

Morgan Lewis Automotive Hour is a series of automotive and mobility industry–focused webinars led by members of the Morgan Lewis global automotive team. The 2023 program is designed to provide a comprehensive overview on a variety of topics related to clients in the automotive and mobility industry. View past and upcoming presentations here >>