Power & Pipes

FERC, CFTC, and State Energy Law Developments
On June 9, the Department of Transportation (DOT), through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposed mandatory standards concerning the development and operation of publicly available electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in US markets. DOT’s proposal is the first-ever effort of the US government to impose mandatory standards on EV charging infrastructure in an effort to create uniformity and consumer transparency in the EV charging sector. DOT’s proposal is subject to comment and consideration, and a final rule is expected later this year.
With the push to transition to a low-carbon economy, carbon offsets have become an option that many have turned to in order to decarbonize and achieve their climate goals. The demand for carbon offsets is quickly increasing, and the industry has recognized the need for quality standards applicable to a carbon offset, the ability to monitor, report, and verify carbon offsets, and mechanisms that ensure market integrity. Next month, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will be hosting a meeting to discuss issues related to the supply and demand for high quality carbon offsets and to gather information to assess its potential role in regulating products involving carbon offsets.