Viktoria Ritter advises clients on all tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions, private equity, real estate, and financing transactions, including the tax structuring of such transactions and tax due diligences. Furthermore, Viktoria has experience representing clients in tax disputes, including tax field audits and tax litigation. Prior to joining Morgan Lewis, Viktoria worked for several international law firms. She speaks German and English.
2016年 Bavaria, Germany (Second State Examination)
2014年 Chicago-Kent College of Law (LL.M. international and comparative law)
2014年 University of Augsburg (First State Examination law)
Ones To Watch, Tax, Best Lawyers, Handelsblatt (2025)
Ones To Watch, Real Estate, Best Lawyers, Handelsblatt (2025)
Ones To Watch, Private Equity, Best Lawyers, Handelsblatt (2025)