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Eight Ways the Axing of SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule May Benefit CFOs, CFO Magazine

22 juillet 2024

CFO Magazine quoted partner Erin Martin from comments she made during a virtual event titled “Risk & Reward: Complying with the SEC’s Climate Rule.” The article discusses the potential impact on finance chiefs if the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) climate disclosure law, which is facing litigation challenges, is eliminated.

Erin noted that although the litigation may take up to 18 months to resolve, eventually, some pieces of the disclosure rule “will be required.”

“In order to ensure that you can provide accurate information responsive to the SEC requests and rules … you need to have processes in place today to anticipate those rules so you can ensure that you have accurate disclosure that you’re providing, under the federal securities laws to your various stakeholders. We can’t just sit and wait,” Erin said.

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