Conferences and Speeches

From OCIE to the Division of Examinations: A Leadership Perspective on the Past and Future of the SEC Examinations Program

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2022
04:30 Eastern Daylight Time

Please join the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Historical Society for a special program focused on the evolution of the Office of Compliance Inspections (OCIE) to the Division of Examinations.

The SEC’s OCIE was formed in 1995 by then-Chairman Arthur Levitt, consolidating all the Commission’s examination/inspection activities into a single unit. Operating for over 25 years, OCIE was renamed the Division of Examinations in 2020.

It is the Commission’s second largest unit, with more than 1,000 employees, operating in Washington, DC, and each of the Commission’s 11 regional offices.


  • Major transformations in the industry, the marketplace, and technology that Office/ Division leaders have seen and how they have kept up
  • Maturation of compliance and compliance officers in the industry and parallels or cause/effect of SEC exams
  • How the Division of Examinations’ risk-based focus works to identify emerging industry risks and how those risks have changed over time
  • How communications of the Division of Examinations’ findings to the Commission, other offices and divisions, investors, and the markets have evolved
  • The advantages of the Division of Examinations’ regional office focus


Richard R. Best
Director, SEC Division of Examinations

Daniel S. Kahl
Partner, Kirkland & Ellis
Former Acting Director, Division of Examinations

Joy G. Thompson
Associate Regional Director,
Division of Examinations,
SEC Philadelphia Regional Office


G. Jeffrey Boujoukos
Partner, Morgan Lewis
Former Regional Director, SEC Philadelphia Regional Office


CLE credit: CLE credit in PA, NJ (via reciprocity), and NY is currently pending approval. CLE credit is offered for in-person attendance only.