
Hot Topics in Employee Benefits: What We’re Seeing – April 2021

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Donnerstag, 15. April 2021
12:00 - 01:15 Eastern Daylight Time
11:00 - 12:15 Central Daylight Time
09:00 - 10:15 Pacific Daylight Time

Please join us for the next installment of our What We’re Seeing webinar series, featuring updates on hot topics and trends designed for individuals operating in the employee benefits space.

This webinar will focus on The Biden Administration: First 100 Days & Beyond, featuring important discussions with regard to fiduciary, fringe benefits, health and welfare, and multiemployer considerations.


  • Fiduciary Regulation and Enforcement: Initial Developments and What to Expect under a Biden DOL
  • Considering the Multiemployer Pension Plan Relief Bill (EPPRA)
  • Employee Retention Credit Extended Once Again
  • The New 162(m) Rules in Recent Legislation
  • American Rescue Plan’s Health & Welfare Benefit Provisions: COBRA Subsidies and DCFSA Limits

CLE credit: CLE credit in CA, CT, FL, IL, NJ (via reciprocity), NY, PA, TX, and VA is currently pending approval.