
Hot Topics in Employee Benefits: What We’re Seeing – June 2020

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Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020
12:00 - 01:30 Eastern Daylight Time
11:00 - 12:30 Central Daylight Time
09:00 - 10:30 Pacific Daylight Time

Please join us for the next installment of our What We’re Seeing webinar series, featuring updates on hot topics and trends designed for individuals operating in the employee benefits space. This webinar will focus on important discussions with regard to ESOPs, executive compensation, fringe benefits and payroll tax, health and welfare, and plan sponsor considerations.


  • Executive Compensation – Issues compensation committees are addressing in connection with COVID-19 
  • Health & Welfare – Tolling of health and welfare due dates/notice dates 
  • Plan Sponsor – CARES Act: Plan sponsor considerations
  • ESOPs – Key issues for ESOP companies in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis
  • Fringe Benefits & Payroll Tax – CARES Act: Section 2302 payroll tax deferral and supplemental unemployment benefit (SUB) 
  • Multiemployer – Unique COVID-19 issues for multiemployer plans and contributing employers


Please email Samantha Puleo.

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